Changing business names, April 1st, 2012!

“Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.” ~ Dale Carnegie

BIG announcement here at KelMarie Studios!!!!!

As of April 1st, 2012 KelMarie Studios will be transitioning over into the new name of Endless Acres Photography, please still continue to follow KelMarie Studios & find/like Endless Acres Photography on Facebook (until the final switch is complete ) to make sure you don’t miss any important updates, announcements and of course, photos from the latest photo adventures!

I’ve had several people ask about the change from KelMarie Studios over to Endless Acres Photography, so I decided to take a few minutes to write up a blog post and explain as much as I currently can about the name change.

To view the blog post, please head on over to the New Endless Acres Website.

Day 219; A little sip of mocha helps the work get done

Day 219 of 365; A little sip of mocha helps the work get done

Today is a day of GETTING THINGS DONE! Unfortunately I don’t have WI-FI access out in the great little country town of Rock Falls, (not a happy thing for a photographer!) so I am trying to buckle down and use Mondays as my days to head into town, find some Wi-Fi at my “office of choice” for the day and upload photos from the week to online galleries, facebook, and the blog etc.

I haven’t bought a mocha from anywhere since winter time, I had missed them at first, but then replaced them with just plain coffee…and Dr Pepper (oh how I love Dr Pepper!) & today I gave in, at Panera Bread and bought a small mocha… oh yum, my taste-buds did a little dance, and it brought back warm memories from the last time(s) I had sipped mochas all last Winter, Fall, and Summer.

I will soon be updating my online galleries with many of my photos from my adventures to Colorado, and the east side of Wisconsin/Lake Michigan area. All of my photos are always for sale on my Gallery site, and I offer a big variety of images and products, from cars to flowers to barns, to regular prints to large canvas prints, go take a look!!!

I will also be updating my business facebook page as well with many images from my Summer adventures, and often have sales and give-a-ways only valid to my Facebook Fans and Followers! So make sure to visit and click “like” !

And… back to sipping my mocha and working on wedding photos from the last outdoor wedding!!!

Have a beautiful Monday everyone- and don’t forget to look up take time to enjoy the BEAUTIFUL clouds in the Chippewa Valley today! 🙂

Playing with lenses; Nikon 50 mm f/1.8D Lens

I was going through my photography stuff and found a long lost lens that I bought last Summer and just completely forgot about! :O Ever since I bought my 18-200mm lens I haven’t taken it off my camera body, because it is an amazing ‘walk around lens’ , where I can use it to capture the up close images of flowers, distant images of things and for my basic people photo shoots.

So last night I put on the 50mm f/1.8 lens and played around a bit with it, and had some good ol’ camera FUN!!!

Excited to shoot outside with this lens this coming Spring!!! I am loving it , if you have any requests of images you’d like to see me shoot with this lens, let me know!!! 🙂

All photos were taken using my Nikon D40 SLR Camera & the Nikon 50mm f/1.8D Lens.

Do not Save, copy or use images without prior permission. All of my images are available for purchase on my GALLERY site! <–Visit there also for MANY more images, more are added weekly!

Here are a few of my images from last nights 'photo shoot' 🙂 Enjoy!!! {the sweet little girl is my 2 year old daughter Camryn 🙂 }

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Day 39; Just because. {New Photo Package!}

Day 39 of 365; Just Because. {New Photo Package coming soon!}

Flower Stem Bubbles 🙂

“Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” ~Robert Heinlein

I think it is so important to tell our loved ones and our friends that we care-especially on days that they are least expecting it, when you feel it in your heart to do so, no particular reason, but ..just because.

I am working on setting on a special photography package JUST for couples who aren’t planning a wedding, who aren’t engaged, who aren’t getting family photos taken, no anniversary.. but just simply because they are in love.

The package will include some amazing photos at fun outdoor locations and I will capture the wonderful couple just being themselves and in love.

Does this sound like a session you would be interested in? If so, leave some feedback! I am working on coming up with a name for the package, thinking of just keeping it as I have it explained..the “Just because we’re in love” photo session.

Valentines Day is coming up soon & I think that will be the perfect time to release my new package, so make sure to check the website, and my Facebook page for all of the details in this great new package!!!

Tell someone you love them today, tell someone you care, tell someone what they mean to you, do something for someone.. something not because you have to or are obligated to, but… just because.

Thanks for reading!

“Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.” ~Henry Van Dyke

Photo taken using my iphone + edited with the Instigram App.

Day 37; This is the way to take a walk

Day 37 of 365; This is the way to take a walk

“God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars.” ~Martin Luther

This is THE way to take a walk. With your chlidren. 🙂

The first photo above was taken with my iphone & edited using the Instigram App. The rest of the photos below, were taken using my Nikon SLR D40 Camera with the Nikkor 18-200mm Lens . {Photos with me in them were taken by my 6 year old son, Rayce 🙂 }

Sunday morning I woke up early and snuck in the shower BEFORE the kids were awake- this is a very rare occurance, my showers usually consist of kids pounding on the bathroom door or crying “Mommmy!!!” the entire time I am showering. So this shower was a luxury and started off my Sunday just right!

I decided to pack the kids up and go on an adventure, ..I had no plans of taking photos, no plans even where we were going to!!! But they didn’t ask questions, didn’t complain, just got their boots, hats, and jackets on and jumped in the Jeep and said “Ready mom!”

This is ONE of the many reasons I adore my children, I am starting to see such adventurous, go with the flow attitudes and beautiful hearts in both of them as they grow.

We ended up at a park in Chippewa Falls and stopped to see some geese that were honking obnoxiously loud -but the kids LOVED them- of course! 🙂

Then as we got out of the Jeep to see the geese, we decided to take a little walk and ended up on a closed road within the park ..and had a wonderful time.

My two year old daughter Camryn is turning into quite the little mini-me. She notices the smallest, yet most beautiful things most of us would overlook. She noticed some deer tracks near the water that was trickling down the cliff and a beautiful hawk that landed in the trees above us.

I needed this walk. I keep getting sucked into the slump of the winter blues..and this pulled me out , just in time! (whew!)

I just love my children to pieces and cherish every time they come on an adventure with me.

I think YOU should take time to get your children outdoors , you don’t have to have a perfect set of plans- just go, and enjoy your kids and the world God created for us to explore- because that is the perfect way to take a walk!

More of my photos from other adventures can be seen on my Gallery site.

Quotes for Today;

I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright. ~Henry David Thoreau

Look at the trees, look at the birds, look at the clouds, look at the stars… and if you have eyes you will be able to see that the whole existence is joyful. Everything is simply happy. Trees are happy for no reason; they are not going to become prime ministers or presidents and they are not going to become rich and they will never have any bank balance. Look at the flowers – for no reason. It is simply unbelievable how happy flowers are. ~Osho

Easter Give-A-Way!

My son Rayce & daughter Camryn

Our children grow up so fast, time as a family can pass us by.
Let me capture you & your family being yourselves, outside having fun-playing on the swings, going down the slide, sitting in the green grass, playing hide n’ go seek behind the trees. Or we can do simple sit and smile poses too- it’s YOUR photo session, you decide!

I am currently offering one special family a 100% FREE outdoor family photo session.

ALL of the following is included:

*30 minutes-1 hour outdoor fun photo session
*Photos onto a disc/cd
*A LOT of fun with your family, and of course me!

Would you like to enter to win? Great! All you have to do is visit my Facebook page and leave at least 3 comments on some of your favorite photos! Make sure you write the words Easter Giveaway somewhere in your comment!

What are you waiting for? Get started! Doesn’t sound like something you need or want? Pass the links/info on to a family member or friend who could use some fun family photos!!!

Winner will be announced on Easter Sunday!

ALSO I just added a few new portfolios on check them out + leave comments if you would like! {Portfolios are still being added, it’s a long process that takes patience and LOTS of coffee;) )

Cooking with Cam

My 1 1/2 year old daughter Camryn LOVES playing with dishes and pretending to cook. Here are some photos of her today, as she was stirring up her gummy snacks. (Well, I guess these photos are after she ate them all gone) 🙂


February Giveaway!!! Free Photo session!

Thanks to all of my fans on my facebook page for spreading the word about my photography business!!!

With your help I have reached 250 fans 8 days before Valentine’s Day!

As a thank you I am offering ONE very lucky fan a FREE Photo Session.

This will include the following , all for completely FREE-no cost!

*30 minute outdoor session at the location of your choice (must be within 20 minutes of Eau Claire)
*All photos on a cd
*Photo enhancements

You MUST enter to win! To enter you have to be a fan of KelMarie Studios on Facebook (Become a fan here )

Next post on my facebook wall why you like my photography or something you like about it, OR post a comment on your favorite photo.

Make sure you write “February Giveaway” Somewhere on your post/comment.

Winner will be announced on Valentines Day. You have now through Feb 13th to enter!!!! Tell your friends + spread the word!!!

Good luck!

And just for fun, here is a photo of my sweet and silly Camryn hanging out on my bed in her new favorite hooded shawl.

Have a wonderful day!!!

Great site/magazine for young kids!

If you listen to WWIB radio then you have heard of Focus on the Family (, a GREAT resources for families.

Recently my 6 year old son Rayce has been receiving a new magazine in the mail that comes from Focus on the Family, it is called Clubhouse Jr.  It has fun stories, craft ideas, comics, bible stories/verses, jokes, kids drawings, fun online links/resources, seek and finds, and LOTS more.

It is 19.99/year for 12 monthly issues- it does cost money, but I think it is more than worth it to have a positive magazine/resource for him and it is something that he really looks forward to coming in the mail!

But maybe you don’t feel like paying the 19.99, so check out the website which has awesome online recipes, ideas, crafts,bible verses, printable coloring pages and online games for your kids, plus lots more:

A great way to share God’s love with your children-or consider giving a 1 year subscription as a gift to one of your childrens friends or a neice/nephew, or a friends’ child!

Free 4 All 2009

In August of 2009 I was asked to be a volunteer photographer for the Free 4 All in downtown Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

I took a total of 87 family photos, there were also free school supplies for kids, free hair cuts, free food and more.

Here are a few of the photos:

It must be love!

I first saw him in February of 2003 in northern Wisconsin.   I was riding around my yard on a snowmobile and he was driving by the house in his black truck.

6 years later we were engaged and had two amazing and beautiful children!

Here are our engagement photos-taken by me in Rock Falls, Wisconsin!

Featured on Market Her: The Blog!

I am so happy to be featured on the Market Her Blog!!!

Read the feature blog all about me and what I do at THIS link!!!