Changing business names, April 1st, 2012!

“Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.” ~ Dale Carnegie

BIG announcement here at KelMarie Studios!!!!!

As of April 1st, 2012 KelMarie Studios will be transitioning over into the new name of Endless Acres Photography, please still continue to follow KelMarie Studios & find/like Endless Acres Photography on Facebook (until the final switch is complete ) to make sure you don’t miss any important updates, announcements and of course, photos from the latest photo adventures!

I’ve had several people ask about the change from KelMarie Studios over to Endless Acres Photography, so I decided to take a few minutes to write up a blog post and explain as much as I currently can about the name change.

To view the blog post, please head on over to the New Endless Acres Website.

Day 260; Auto-X Races

Day 260 of 365; Auto-X Races

Another full day of cars, cars and more cars!!!

Today I watched the Auto Cross races in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. My husband Devon and several other friends were racing.

I have lots of Auto-X photos from several different races over the years of 2010 & 2011 and those will be updated on my Facebook Business Page very soon!

Day 250; Hunting… for rust(ic)

Day 250 of 365; Hunting for rust(ic)

Today I set out to look for abandoned homes/buildings and round barns! The trip was a HUGE success, to see photos taken with my camera, hop on over to my photography page on Facebook , click “Like” and look for the {Rustic} album!!!

Until you get over to my Facebook page, here are some quick images of my drive/the roads along the way, taken with my iphone;

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Day 249: drops of dew..

Day 249 of 365; Live like drops of dew

“Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf.” ~Rabindranath Tagore

Morning drop of dew on my morning glories...

Day 246; September wind blows in…

Day 246 of 365; September wind blows in…

Ooh did today ever feel like late Fall. If I hadn’t gone outside I would’ve sworn it was going to snow–the clouds were dark, and the wind was howling.

I took my son Rayce on a short country drive..and just soaked in the beauty that was blowing through my little corner of Wisconsin…..

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Day 245; Another Country Sunrise

Day 245 of 365; Another Country Sunrise

We all give so much attention to the sunset.. but lets not forget that every morning the sun rises in order for a new day to begin… and it is ever so beautiful!!!!

Sunrise in Caryville, Wisconsin

Day 244; September Sunshine…

Day 244 of 365; September Sunshine…

Oh I just LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. September! Bugs are few, sunshine is radiant. Perfect adventure weather.

I took my kids and a neighborhood kid/friend on a little adventure tonight to Big Falls County Park in Eau Claire.

On the way home, the sunset was breath taking, so we pulled over on the side of a Country Road between Eau Claire and Rock Falls and took a few photos with my iphone…

This is me.. doing what I love most. 🙂

Day 241; Display your treasures in a beautiful way

Day 241 of 365; Display your treasures in a beautiful way

I have a rustic/cottage chic/natural decor-themed home. I believe in keeping things simple, re-using items for new purposes and keeping it as natural as possible.

I have had a BIG bag of beach glass and rocks in a drawer for a long time, and yesterday while browsing the (OH SO FUN) isles of TJ MAXX I came across a clear glass bowl for only $3.00! I couldn’t resist, when I saw the bowl, I automatically was reminded of my Grandmother, the soft bird & butterfly painting on the side looked like something she would have painted or had displayed in her home. Upon seeing the bowl I also know instantly what I would use it for.

A chic and cute way to display my treasures from the beach;

Day 240; Menomonie, Wi Country Sunset

Day 240 of 365; Menomonie, Wi Country Sunset

A very quick iphone shot on my way back to Rock Falls, on County Road E in Menomonie…

Day 239; Friends & Family .. =full.

Day 239; Friends &; Family .. =full.

What a happy and fulfilling day today. We started the morning off with our good friends who were married the day before, watching them open their wedding presents-such a joyful time!

Then we picked up our kids in Pine City, MN and headed over to Forest Lake, Minnesota to visit my Grandpa and spent the evening on the deck, eating dinner and enjoying the beautiful lake.

Grandma's flower garden..

Day 238; A beautiful Minnesota wedding

Day 238 of 365; A beautiful Minnesota wedding

Today I photographed a wedding around the areas of Fridley & Arden Hills,Minnesota. What A PICTURE PERFECT day!!!

Here are just 3 quick photos from the beautiful day ;

Bride & Groom enjoying a special moment together before their wedding ceremony. By Kelly Whitman

This one makes me giggle. Wedding Party = DISGUSTED by the Groom/Brides Kiss. By Kelly Whitman.

Flower girl in the woods.... by Kelly Whitman

More photos from their special day will soon be posted on my business Facebook PAGE within the next 2 weeks! 🙂

If you or someone you know will be having a small outdoor wedding, contact me for information about having your wedding day adventure captured!!! or visit my Website.

Day 237; To the city

Day 237 of 365; To the city

Today we are headed to Minneapolis/St Paul, MN area to get ready for a friends wedding on Saturday.

What a beautiful day to be in the city………

Heading to the rehearsal in Fridley, Minnesota

I ended my day at Pro Kart watching the guys’ of the wedding party have fun on the go-karts for some fun the night before the wedding;